You Will Never Believe These Bizarre Truth Behind Good Luck.
Certainly, most people would like to be luckier than they are right now. Good luck, after all, is something which you can't get enough of. These four rules in your life attract good luck.
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There are all kinds of people in this world. They can be separated into two groups, the lucky and the unlucky.
The lucky are endowed with a strong will to accomplish what they set out to do. They care for others and have a happy disposition. They also have the gift of making others happy. It is a fact that if you keep company with lucky friends your luck will improve.
The unlucky, on the other hand, are pessimistic and negative. They have a very careless attitude. Moreover, they are quick to criticize others. Join their group and you are inviting trouble for yourself.
Let's take another look at them through the eyes of the spiritual world.
The lucky person is always surrounded by right people. Due to his positive attitude towards everything, the guardian spirits are willing to protect him, and there is no way evil spirits can harm him.
In contrast, the unlucky fellow is surrounded by darkness. He tries to put out the light of happiness that others have.This negative way of life makes it impossible for his guardian spirits to take any positive action.
So when choosing a friend, be sure to find out whether he or she is under guardian spirits or an evil spirit. Your guardian spirit has the power to improve your condition in every way. You will feel better physically, you will think more clearly, you will enjoy better relationships with others, all because you are spiritually recharged.
2.Visit Sacred Places
To charge your mind with spiritual energy, it is useful to go to sacred places like shrines which are protected by good spirits. Avoid dirty disorderly temples and shrines. Seek out a sound, clean place surrounded by beautiful green trees. When you go to a holy place check these points:
1.The priests should be diligent and have a spiritual bearing.
2.The grounds should be clean in and out.
3.The place should have many trees.
4.There should be no disreputable businesses on the grounds, such as amusement centers or other inappropriate facilities.
In such kinds of places, you can be fairly sure there is no noble spirit in residence there.
Places, where a noble and divine spirits reside, are:
1.The air is fresh and beautiful.
2.There is an expansive feeling there.
3.It has a bright cheerful atmosphere.
These days there are many shrines and temples without sacred deities, so should exercise caution when choosing a place to worship.
3.The Success Story Of Toyota Motors
For those who think that their luck is persistently bad, it is recommended that they check their environment.
Is it clean and well ordered? Dirty rooms are just plain unlucky. How many times has unhappiness struck just because your room was a mess? That missing lottery ticket, the one that would have made you rich if you just hadn't lost it under all the junk in your room. Or that new record you had to buy your friend because you spilled coffee all over the one he lent you.
If you had kept your room in order, none of this would have happened. A dirty room is the evil spirits' playground.
Guardian spirits love clean, orderly rooms. When your room is pleasantly in order, your efficiency increases markedly. You may feel yourself becoming charged with energy in such a setting. That is because the spiritual world itself is not only beautiful, but also well ordered and clean. The same can be said of your entire house. Keeping your house spic and span can improve your luck three times over. This is a very simple method for making your life better.
These days, many factories and companies have begun clean-up campaigns. This is the most favorable trend. The examples of Toyota Motors and Kyocera, have improved the success of their business exactly in this way.
Toyota was especially successful in improving the efficiency of its workers and management through its large-scale clean-up campaign. Some of you may regard the efficacy of this simple method with suspicion, but it is true. The skillful arrangement of parts and tools enables workers to concentrate on the job before them, rather than wasting time looking around for things. A clean environment makes people happy and also protects them from injuries. A well-organized atmosphere promotes efficiency. This was the first step in Toyota's system.
4.Strengthen Your Willpower
Make the impossible possible through your strong will. We often hear of ordinary people manifesting extraordinary strength in an emergency-A mother lifting a car to save her son trapped underneath, for instance. Nothing is a barrier to us if we set our minds to it. To perform the impossible requires that you have the positive conviction that it can be done fixed concretely in your mind. This earnest act of will is what makes everything possible.
All noble Japanese figures such as the Buddhist leaders had this power of conviction.
It not only applies to our spiritual and physical being but also our daily life. If you wish to be a successful businessman to a respected diplomat, you must have faith in your potential ability. You have the power to change your future at will.
You can be twenty times happier than you are now by thinking positively and by exerting a strong will. The key to success lies in the vision you hold and the strength of your will. If your will is strong and you have a deep conviction, you will be able to achieve your goal with the support of the guardian spirits.