Introduction to Astrological Interpretation: Planets, Signs, Houses, Aspects, Rulership

Introduction to Astrological Interpretation: Planets, Signs, Houses, Aspects, Rulership

When an individual is born, or any incident happens, a degree of one of the twelve signs of the Zodiac will be rising on the Eastern horizon. This rising sign is called the Ascendant, and in the Hindu system it is known as Lagna.
The character of a person and also the course of his life will largely depend upon this rising sign. To determine the first house, or the rising sign, the exact hour of birth is very necessary. The lack of accuracy of the time of birth, may result in errors of judgment in diagnosing a horoscope.
The horoscope could be a chart indicating the positions of the sun, the moon, and seven planets in respect to the planet earth and to the Zodiac for any given moment of your time.
horoscope chart
horoscope chart
The twelve houses of the horoscope that govern a man's life, in different aspects are as follows:
The first house which mundanely is Aries or Mesha is ruled by Mars. It signifies man's outward look like temperament, body, environment at birth and other physical aspects. It rules head and the face and determines the degree of the activity or repression of the individual.
2.House of Wealth
The second house which is Taurus, is ruled over by Venus. It signifies a man's financial circumstances, profit or gain, loss or damage and all his movable goods. It rules the neck, and also the throat, and determines the degree of prosperity, that the individual can relish in life.
3.The House of Relatives
The third house which is Gemini, is ruled over by Mercury. It signifies brothers, sisters, neighbors, surroundings of the family, short journeys, correspondence and messages, the degree of mentality, perception and acceptableness of the individual, and determines the relations with all these departments. It rules the shoulders, arms, hands, and fingers.

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4.The House of the Home
The fourth house which mundanely is Cancer, is ruled over by moon. It signifies the father or mother, inherited tendencies, the environment during the early childhood and old age, and landed property. It rules the abdomen and breast, and determines the native's relations along with his father and mother, environment, and the state of his property holdings.
5.The House of Pleasure
The fifth house mundanely is Leo, is ruled over by the Sun. It signifies love affairs, environment, speculation, and children of the individual. It rules the heart and back, and determines the degree of success or failure of the native's love affairs and pleasures, his speculative operations, and matters concerning his offspring.
6.The House of Health
The sixth house which is Virgo, is ruled over by Mercury. It signifies the needs, affections, and care of the body, servants, inferiors, dress and hygiene, grandparents, uncles, and aunts, and domestic animals of the individual. It rules the intestines and solar plexus and determines the state of the native's health, his way of treating with his servants and inferiors, and the native's relations with grandparents, uncles, and aunts, and domestic animals.

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7.The House of Marriage
The seventh house mundanely is Libra, is ruled over by Venus. It signifies marriage, business-partnership and enemies of the individual. It rules the veins, the kidneys, in the case of woman the ovaries and determines the degree of happiness and success the native derives through marriage and partnership, and the type of enemies the native may have.
8.The House of Death
The eighth house which mundanely is Scorpio, is ruled over by Mars. It signifies the inheritance, legacies, wills, and the result of good deeds of the individual. It rules the organs of generation and determines all queries about inheritance, and the type of death of the native.
9.The House of Religion and Philosophy
The ninth house which is Sagittarius, is ruled over by Jupiter. It signifies faith in religion, philosophy, long journeys, notably by water, and also the relationships with foreigners of the individual. It rules over abstract thought, dreams and visions. Jupiter rules over the hips, and thighs, determines the philosophical and spiritual beliefs of the native, and the success he will see and enjoy in far off countries.
10.The House of Business and Honour
The tenth house which mundanely is Capricorn, is over by Saturn. It signifies ambition, fame, worldly position, power, promotion, elevation, the line of authority, of the individual. It rules the skeleton, and knees in particular and determines the degree of success in business, and the honor of the native.

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The eleventh house which is Aquarius, is ruled over by Uranus. It signifies the friendships, and the aspirations of the individual. It rules the legs, ankles in particular, and determines the native's relation with friends, his position towards humanity, and the degree of harmony or disharmony in his relationship with his fellow women.
12.The House of secret Enemies
The twelfth house which is Pisces, is ruled over by Neptune. It signifies, unseen difficulties, impairment of senses, seclusion, forced, or otherwise and secret enemies of the individual. It rules the extremists and determines the amount of freedom enjoyed by the native. It also determines the degree to which he will be forced to submerge his own personality, in his subservience to others.