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Nostradamus Predictions 2019 Which Came True

Nostradamus Predictions 2019 Which Came True

Nostradamus predictions for 2019.

1.Nostradamus prophecies for the year 2019 is going to be a year of justice, and earthquakes, and hurricanes are going to be seen in many States of America, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina, and also Texas.
2.Especially during the months January, April, July, and October the Lex financial prosperity only encourages to design strategies that could improve things.

3.It is indicated to work harder. It is necessary to adopt new ways to avoid taking risks,but also to attract prosperity following right remedies.
4.We will extend our circle of friends very carefully. The stock market will be more profitable within the summer and particularly during the fall months, and 2019 id going to be a year of the latest discoveries.
5.Health wise a year that encourages us to be more careful about any possible issues related to heart, and circulatory system, stomach, pancreas, and this is why it is recommended to take into consideration a balanced diet and relaxing activities. Also avoid sleeping in the West sector especially the pregnant women, and the elders.
6.Nostradamus Predictions 2019 Which Came True
7.He predicted Napoleon's reign, the world war two, the rise of Hitler, John f Kennedy's assassination, the moon landing.
8.According to Nostradamus quatrains, in 2019 some European countries will deal with floods of extraordinary magnitude among others. The countries that will suffer the most damage are Hungary, Italy, the Czech Republic, but also Great Britain too globally. European countries, and the US will deal with issues regarding managing the immigration but also with the increased number of attacks by the terrorists.
9.According to Nostradamus predictions the Middle East and several countries, and regions of the world will lead to disorder and Wars which can force most of the people to leave their country and to try to find refuge.
10.Nostradamus predicts that the climate changes will still affect the planet, and the political leaders will discuss the reduction of air pollutant emissions.
11.We shall see the water rising, and also the earth falling beneath. The climate changes are very common, and also the Hurricanes that will occur in various regions of America will form the dreary landscape.
12.Described by Nostradamus there will be many categories. One hurricane which will hit the US, during 2019 bringing winds of 40 miles per hour.

13.The Americans living in Florida Texas and New Orleans should be ready to face the bad weather.
14.Andrew Cuomo, the governor of New York also declared extreme weather is a reality.
We faced storms of an unseen severity. The global warming can cause several armed conflicts through a strategic move.
15.China will become the new world leader.
16.World War three will involve two superpowers and can last twenty- seven years.
17.It is believed that World War three will begin after the death of the last Pope.
18.The one that will follow the death of pope Benedict xvi who will be assassinated by the end.
19.The Christ is considered the protector of those who suffer from mental illnesses.
20.A total sun eclipse will occur on July 23rd of 2019 which is possible to mark the beginning of the disaster that will envelop the Catholic Church but also all other Christian churches.
21.The assassination of the leader of the Catholic Church can bring chaos all over the planet and this event will crop up in the following period.
22.The people from the USA must be ready for the big earthquake with a length of more than five hundred miles. The subduction area covers the entire distance between US, and Canada.
23.Here two tectonic plates meet, and one slides beneath the other subduction slowly but surely if only an area from Cascadia slips the magnitude of the earthquake can be between eight point zero, and eight point six degrees on Richter scale.
24.If the entire cleft splits open we will witness an earthquake of eight point seven to nine point two degrees.
25.The big earthquake in that region two hundred twenty-five thousand square miles will be unrecognizable from Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Eugene, Salem the capital of Oregon to Olympia the capital of Washington.

26.They will be affected by the greatest natural disaster in the history of the United States.
27.The Prophet's prophecy was that people would be able to speak to animals. He claimed that the animals will be more loyal and faithful to humans than their fellow animals.
28.Some think this means that humanity will stop. Scarify animals.
29.Others believe this suggests that the technology can allow people to talk to animals. Medicine will improve a lot and new discoveries shows the to extend people's lives.
30.Those who read Nostradamus prophecies claim Hebron