Why Out Of Body Experiences Are Easier Than You Think!
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Zero-point-energy |
The talk about leaving your body to access other worlds.
Leaving your body is easier than you think. If you dream a lot, you're already doing it but that's something we do on a more subconscious level but imagine if you could leave your body at will, and consciously access other realms that a normal people never get to see.
Tom Campbell who is one of the leading consciousness researchers in the world explains about how to use meditation to go out-of-body, and experience other realities.
Talking about this Tom gives the details on how to work with meditation.
Tom believed that our entire reality meaning our known universe, and all the other places unseen like the astral world is simulated in other words. Everything we see, feel, and experience our virtual creations that are computed, and if you want to go to down deeper our consciousness too is virtual.
Those who believe in the simulation theory will not be surprised to hear this but those new to this information will no doubt have trouble believing or assimilating it.
It's okay though because whether you believe in the simulation theory or not you can still use meditation to leave your body. After all Buddhist monks, and Indian Yogis have been using simple meditative techniques to go out-of-body for thousands of years, and before the century none of them even knew what the simulation theory was. Much less a computer there's one more thing.
Tom speaks the term going out-of-body is really a misnomer, and that's because you're conscious does not actually leave your body, and fly away like you imagined or see in the movies.
Many of you visualize it that way since your body, this world, and everything else within the simulation is virtual. There is no need to go anywhere if you can shift your consciousness enough.
You can access these other virtual reality worlds, and there are many of them without going anywhere this is because the LCS or larger consciousness system as Tom calls it is really an information system.
It's not a physical place.
A good metaphor would be a video game like 'The Sims'
Going out of body is like a Sims character saying he wants to travel to another world or part of the game.
To do that the character doesn't actually go anywhere the entire game is taking place on a screen with a few changes of code. A new screen will appear and give the character different data to that character.
It may seem that he's traveled far, and is in a new world, but it was simply a change in the data stream that is giving him new information, and a different experience.
It's the same for us. The way to change our screen is through meditation. Interesting right!
Tom explaining this concept in more detail.
What meditation does is it teaches you to let go of the data stream that defines your reality. Each of us have a data stream, and that data defines our reality.
We interpret that data to be this reality. In world of Warcraft we get a data stream from the computer, and it lights up pixels on our screen, and we look at those pixels, and we interpret that pixel beta as the reality of world of Warcraft with all the things in it that are there with the motion, with the buildings, the trees, the rocks, the rivers, all of that we interpret from data describing brightness color on a lot of pixels.
So we get data, and we describe it but we reinterpret it as this reality.
So what you do when you meditate is you let go of that data stream. You stop receiving the data stream that defines this physical reality. It's the data stream that defines the reality.
So that's the first thing. It's just a data stream meditation.You get to a point of consciousness where you are just that point of consciousness floating in the void.
Consciousness floating in the void.
You see nothing, hear nothing, feel nothing. You are just the point of consciousness floating in the void, and at that point you're no longer receiving interpreting the data stream for this physical reality.
So now when you're in that state there are a lot of things you can do, and there's a lot of variables you have to work with because now you're in a different reality, you can attach to a different data stream.
So when you attach to a different data stream that's not this physical reality data stream that puts you in a different reality. Within that different reality there's lots of things that you might do depends on what data stream you want to attach to.
How do you attach to a data stream.
You use your intention to do things. Your intention to understand things, your intention to cause things to happen or not to happen those are the things that will connect you to data streams that will fulfill that intention.
So, it's your intent that lets you connect, and disconnect from data streams.
You intend to disconnect from this one that's called meditation. You disconnect, and then you intend to connect to a different one, and now you're in a different reality frame.
Now you could call that reality frame out-of-body or you could call it out of mind before you could call it out of the physical universe or you could call it just switching the data streams. Pretty mind-blowing stuff right.
Even if you don't think this is achievable for you just listening to Tom talk helps us believe it a little more, and when our beliefs are strong enough that's when we're most likely to achieve it.
It's clear we can use meditation to access different realities. By using our intent we can access almost any reality within the simulation.
For example;
If we want to go to the astral world or the afterlife we can do that or if we want to see other virtual realities similar to our own we can also do that.
Perhaps one of the most fascinating uses of zero-point consciousness is being able to look into our own future. Tom says we can absolutely do that, and it's alright, and free will to do so.
However, what we need to realize is that anything we see in our future is just a probable outcome it's not a certainty. That's because our entire universe is a probable one not one built on certainty.
How do you use meditation to achieve zero-point consciousness because if you don't know how to meditate properly it's not going to happen.
That's going to take a while to explain, and more about why you can leave your body, and how it works not on specific techniques.
I hope this subject has expanded your belief system.
Open your mind to a new concept, and entertain you in the process.
There are specific meditation techniques for achieving zero point consciousness or as many people say going out-of-body.