Obesity and the Brain: Long-lasting Changes with No Reversibility


Obesity is a multifaceted condition with diverse causes and repercussions. Among its most concerning effects is the impact on the brain. 

Research indicates that obesity can induce changes in brain function that persist even after weight loss.

The brain plays a crucial role in regulating appetite and metabolism, making it a significant player in obesity. 

In individuals with obesity, the brain's responsiveness to hormones that signal fullness tends to decrease.

Consequently, this diminished sensitivity can lead to overeating and subsequent weight gain.

Moreover, obesity can inflict damage on the brain's reward system, responsible for generating feelings of pleasure and satisfaction. 

In the case of obesity, individuals may require more food to experience the same level of pleasure, thereby fostering overeating and exacerbating weight gain.

Unfortunately, the alterations caused by obesity in the brain may not be reversible. 

Even after shedding excess weight, the brain may continue to bear the imprint of obesity, posing challenges for individuals striving to maintain a healthy weight.

What Can You Do?

The most effective approach to combat obesity-related brain changes lies in prevention. This entails adopting a healthy diet and engaging in regular exercise to stave off obesity.

For those who already suffer from obesity, weight loss assumes paramount importance. 

Shedding excess weight can enhance overall health and well-being while also potentially safeguarding the brain against the detrimental effects of obesity.

Several strategies can aid in weight loss. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to devise a safe and effective weight loss plan tailored to individual needs.

**Here are some additional recommendations for successful weight loss and weight maintenance:**

  • Set realistic goals, avoiding the temptation to lose excessive weight rapidly.
  • Introduce gradual changes to dietary and exercise routines for long-term sustainability.
  • Establish a support system, enlisting the assistance of others to bolster adherence to the weight loss plan.
  • Maintain perseverance and resilience throughout the weight loss journey, as it requires time and concerted effort.

Obesity stands as a grave concern, with its detrimental consequences extending to brain health. 

By undertaking preventive measures and pursuing weight loss, individuals can safeguard their well-being and enhance their overall quality of life.

Protect Your Knees While Running on the Treadmill-- Is incline on the treadmill bad for knees

Protect Your Knees While Running on the Treadmill-The hottest piece of gym equipment, the treadmill,  seems to be the focus of a new fitness crazeThis equipment is a treasure trove for burning calories and relieving aching discomfort, 

Protect Your Knees While Running on the Treadmill-

More precisely the treadmill is trending as a miracle worker for improving knee pain, which is extremely important since knee pain, stiffness, and swelling have increased by 65% over the past 40 years. But, how does it work?

The trick, believe it or not, is to walk backward on the treadmill. Retro walking, which focuses the lower body in a similar way to forward walking, also lessens knee pain. The causes of knee discomfort include sedentary lifestyles, accidents, overuse, obesity, tendonitis, and more. But whatever the cause, going backward can be helpful.

This is because walking backward is a popular physical therapy technique. It is used to assist those recovering from knee, hip, or ankle surgery by reinforcing proper knee extension and stretching the dorsal part of the foot.

Is incline on a treadmill bad for knees

When running on a treadmill, runners must always keep their legs and feet in line with their bodies. They should never force their bodies into an unnatural position or arch their backs.

Doing so can cause serious lower back damage and run-related injuries. Instead, runners should stand still when starting out with their feet shoulder-width apart and parallel to each other.

From this starting position, they can gradually move toward assuming a more natural running position as they become more comfortable running on the treadmill.

The natural bouncing motion of running on the treadmill allows for proper bone strengthening and weight loss. However, to minimize injury, you should avoid bouncing too much when starting out.

Backing off the pace a little also minimizes damage since it lessens the impact of each stride. After that, you can increase your pace as your fitness level increases and your stride length increases with it.

When increasing your pace, do so gradually to avoid injury.

It is also essential to avoid prolonged running on the treadmill since it induces joint degeneration in the knees and legs. Essentially, this happens as excess weight is placed upon your knees while jogging at high speeds for prolonged periods of time.

To prevent this from happening, you should never run on the treadmill for longer than 20 minutes at a time without stopping halfway through to rest. Doing so will help you avoid injury while promoting weight loss as well as muscle strengthening in your legs.

To stay safe while jogging or walking on the treadmill, you must always keep your posture proper and avoid excessive incline or running for too long. Additionally, you should avoid running for too long or too often since this overuses your joints and leads to knee degeneration.

Instead, exercise during off-times to give your joints a break and allow them to recover so they can function at peak performance levels while maintaining optimal health and physique!

How do I avoid knee pain on the treadmill?

Protect Your Knees While Running on the Treadmill

  • 1. Overuse injuries can occur from treadmill use.

Treadmills are an excellent way to stay active and improve health. They're also a good way to burn calories and build muscle. However, some people have trouble with treadmill injuries. In general, you should take precautions to avoid knee pain when using a treadmill. Here are some tips for staying healthy while on a treadmill:

Many people experience knee pain when starting out on a treadmill. This is because of the sudden change in movement from walking to moving at a faster pace.

Over time, injury can occur if you continue using the machine without stopping. Additionally, wearing poor running shoes can cause additional strain on your knees.

To avoid knee pain on a treadmill, you should start slow and increase your speed over time. Also, make sure your running shoes are comfortable and properly fitted. Good maintenance habits will keep your equipment in top shape.

  • Good workout clothes are key to avoiding injuries on the treadmill.

In addition to mechanical issues, you also need to prepare for a workout when using a treadmill. Many people only wear regular gym clothes to work on the treadmill.

This is a mistake because it limits your comfort options. Instead, invest in a good pair of gym pants for working out. It will keep your legs from getting sore during your workouts and make all the difference in injury prevention.

Additionally, invest in a good pair of shoes for working out; shoes that fit perfectly and allow you to run as smoothly as possible. You'll be much more comfortable during your workouts and avoid injury altogether!

It's also important to realize that injury is not the only way not to enjoy using the treadmill. Some people find it dull and uninteresting to run without moving or changing direction.

To make it more interesting, you can set the pace yourself or use an incline to challenge yourself with intervals of faster running. Additionally, playing music that gets you excited about your workouts adds to the overall experience.

You'll stay engaged and enjoy your time on the treadmill much more when you prepare these tips ahead of time!

 Also, Read  

  • Avoiding injury is your best defense against not enjoying the treadmill.

Taking precautions against knee pain when using a treadmill is important. Starting slow prevents injuries- reduces the risk of wearing down your equipment- and makes it much more enjoyable!

The tips above will help you avoid pains from using a treadmill easily, so let's talk about them in detail below!

Benefits of reverse walking that will make you a fan

Even though walking in reverse on a treadmill is a trend, there is some scientific evidence that this practice has some health benefits. Walking backward, like walking forward, is an excellent way to strengthen your legs.

But there's a problem. Walking backward targets the hamstrings and glutes to work concentrically as opposed to walking forward, which contracts the quads and hip flexors to do so. They trade roles, in other words. This is an excellent method for addressing any muscle imbalances and addressing problematic leg mechanics.

In fact, an older study found that running backward can help relieve pain in the patellofemoral joint. The patella (kneecap) and femur (thigh bone) meet at this joint, which is situated in the front of the knee.

More research is needed, however, because the results were inconsistent.

However, a study shows backward walking is a promising exercise for improving a runner's knee, also known as patellofemoral pain syndrome.

This is because walking in reverse puts less strain on this patellofemoral joint while increasing quad strength and reducing pain. Backward walking, commonly known as patellofemoral pain syndrome, is a potential workout for a runner's knee.

This is because walking backward increases quad strength and decreases pain while also putting less stress on the patellofemoral joint. 

In addition, walking backward can enhance balance, stability, and step length. In light of this, almost everyone might profit from going backward on the treadmill. But, should you?

Should You Try The Treadmill Trend Of TikTok

Consider your health and fitness before committing to any fitness trend. If you're recovering from surgery or have any concerns, consult your doctor.

Then, if you've been given the all-clear, begin slowly and gradually, as walking backward can feel strange at first. But don't let that discourage you.

You're in luck if you're considering retro walking to relieve knee pain. It is recommended to almost everyone, including those who do not have knee pain, because its benefits can benefit almost anybody. 

When reverse walking, it's important to prioritize safety. Before you begin, place your feet on both sides of the belt and face the back.

Put the safety lanyard on your shirt, grab the handrails, and walk slower than usual. The shape suggests starting at 1.5 to 2.0 mph and then increasing to 3.0 to 3.5 mph once you're comfortable.

Remember that there are other ways to relieve knee pain. Building up the quadricep muscles, for example, is a great way to reduce knee pain.

The idea is that strengthening the quads relieves pressure on the knee. Front squats, seated leg extensions, and reverse lunges are among the best exercises for quad strengthening, according to Men's Health.

Add dumbbells to these exercises to make them more difficult, or modify them to make them easier.




sore throat

Proven content

A sore throat is a common condition that can have many causes, from viruses to infections and bacteria, and in some cases, it can even be cancer. If you have a prolonged sore throat, you should closely monitor the disease's progression and contact a doctor. There are several home remedies to help ease a sore throat. What does a sore throat mean? What is the best medicine for a sore throat?


A sore throat is a common condition that can be the result of many factors. Symptoms associated with inflammation include body temperature, pain, cough, runny nose, frequent muscle aches, and general disability. Although a sore throat is mainly associated with a cold or strep throat, it can also be associated with other ailments such as chicken pox, gingivitis, measles, or smallpox.

A sore throat sometimes makes work difficult and, in addition to discomfort, worsens well-being. We constantly search for the best treatment option because the condition is not pleasant. Today's pace of life does not allow us to lie in bed and recover from a cold.


Numerous things, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses, can cause a sore throat. Below you will find the main causes of a sore throat.

90 percent of sore throats are caused by viral infections. Viruses that cause a sore throat include,

for example 

1. flu virus,

2. flu virus 

3. An infectious condition called mononucleosis that is spread by saliva,

4. measles, a disease that causes a rash and fever

5. Chickenpox is an infection that results in fever and a rough, itchy rash.

6. mumps – an infection that causes the salivary glands in the neck to swell.

bacterial infections – Bacterial infections are one of the main causes of sore throats. Streptococci,

specifically, group A Streptococcus bacteria, are most frequently responsible for its occurrence.

Bacterial tonsillitis and sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea and chlamydia can also cause a sore throat.

Allergy – When the immune system reacts to allergens (pollen, grass, and pet dander),

it releases chemicals that cause symptoms such as nasal congestion, watery eyes, sneezing,

and throat irritation. Excess mucus in the nose can drain into the back of the throat -

this can irritate the throat.

Dry air—dry air can "suck" moisture from the lips and throat, leaving them feeling dry and scratchy.

Make sure the air is properly humidified in the rooms you live in most often.

Smoke, chemicals, and other irritants: The throat can become irritated by a variety of environmental irritants, such as:

1. cigarette smoke,

2. air pollution,

3. cleaning agents and other chemicals.

 Throat injury Any trauma, including a blow or cut to the neck, might result in a sore throat.

A food particle caught in the throat can aggravate it as well.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a condition in which stomach acid flows back into the esophagus,

the tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach. The acid irritates the esophagus and throat,

causing symptoms such as heartburn and acid reflux – the backflow of acid into the throat.

Throat tumor - a tumor of the throat, larynx, or tongue is a less common cause of sore throat.

 HIV Infection A sore throat and other flu-like symptoms can occasionally appear shortly after

an HIV infection. In addition, a person with HIV may have a chronic or recurrent sore throat from

a fungal infection called oral thrush or a viral infection called cytomegalovirus (CMV),

which can be dangerous for those with compromised immune systems.


Leather Jacket Cleaning With Five Tips

 Leather Jacket Cleaning With Five Tips

A leather jacket is the kind of garment that all fashion lovers have in their closets. However, it is worth learning how to maintain it properly. In this article, you will learn how to clean a leather jacket!

A leather jacket is an essential wardrobe accessory. However, unlike many other garments, leather jackets require special care to stay in perfect condition. In this article, we will tell you how to clean and maintain your leather jacket with five tips.

A leather jacket never goes out of style and it makes an outfit look like an outfit. It is also a very versatile jacket that can be worn with skirts, jeans, high heels, and dresses.

Leather jackets became popular in the Air Force during World War II because they protected soldiers from the cold. Humans have been using leather since the dawn of time.

Motorcyclists and rockers made the leather jacket a symbol of fashion in popular culture, turning it into a sign of rebellion and attitude. Today, such jackets are available in many different colors and styles and even have imitations made of faux leather and other artificial materials.

Leather Jacket Cleaning: Five Tips

Leather is a fragile material that needs to be handled with care. First of all, however, you need to know exactly the material of your own jacket. Is it genuine or imitation leather?

Genuine leather requires more maintenance, but it also lasts longer. The biggest problem with artificial leather is that it starts to peel over time.

1. Cleaning the inner lining of the leather jacket

Usually, leather jackets have an inner lining that is in direct contact with the body. However, it is not recommended to wash it after each use.

The inner lining can be cleaned with a cloth and a soft-bristled brush, such as a baby hair brush. Do this using a mixture of detergent, vinegar, and baking soda.

Vinegar and baking soda are excellent against odors and bacteria but do not wet the coat soaked.

2. Wash skin with soap and water

Wash your skin with soap and water, using a small amount of mild soap. Make sure there is more water in the solution than soap, otherwise it may stain or damage the skin. Dampen the sponge in this solution and gently wipe the dirtiest areas of the coat. 

Then wipe the soap off the jacket with a towel dampened in water. To prevent stains, do not wet the jacket

3. Leather jacket cleaning: dry thoroughly

This is an important part of keeping your leather jacket in perfect condition, as the leather is quite sensitive to liquids and can even mold. So dry its surface with a towel well after cleaning it with a damp cloth.

You can also hang the jacket in a cool place and let it dry thoroughly. Do not leave the jacket in the sun for a long time, as its color may fade.

The stores sell several skin-friendly conditioners that can moisturize the surface of the jacket so that it does not crack or fade over time. Natural and multi-purpose shea butter can also be used for moisturizing.

Thus, the leather can also be repaired by using moisturizers. But only a small amount of the substance on a soft cloth and rubbed all over the garment.

4. Moisten the leather jacket

The stores sell several skin-friendly conditioners that can moisturize the surface of the jacket so that it does not crack or fade over time. Natural and multi-purpose shea butter can also be used for moisturizing.

Thus, the leather can also be repaired by using moisturizers. But you should put only a small amount of the substance on a soft cloth and rub it all over the garment.

 5. Use special leather products

The skin has its own protective and cleansing products. For example, you can buy a leather cleaner that is great for high-quality leather. There are also water repellents that can protect the skin from water.

While these products can be expensive, they are an excellent investment in a garment that will last for many years with the right kind of care. These products can also be used to clean leather shoes.

Do not wash the leather jacket in the washing machine, whether it is genuine leather or not.

Follow the leather jacket care instructions

Now that you know how to clean your leather jacket properly, remember that it’s just as important to read the instructions in the clothing care sheet. 

Whenever you have any doubts, send the garment to dry cleaning; the laundry is usually known for the care of such clothes.

However, dry cleaning is not intended for all garments. Faux leather jackets can be ruined by certain materials used in dry cleaning. This is because synthetic leather is usually made of plastics that are not heat resistant.

What Are Broken Oats and How Are They Made?

What are broken oats and how are they made?

What Are Broken Oats and How Are They Made?

The fiber contained in broken oats stimulates digestive function and increases the diversity of the intestinal microbiome, which has a beneficial effect on health. 

The broken oats are smaller than an ordinary oat flake. It is very convenient for some kinds of drinks, such as coffee. 

Today let’s talk about all the essentials of broken oats, so you know why you should include them in your regular diet.

Oats are one of the best cereals. Its value is further enhanced by the fact that it is marketed almost completely unprocessed.

Wheat products, for example, often have a lot of added sugar.

What are broken oats? What are the three types of oats?

  • The broken oats are cut into small pieces. It requires a longer cooking time than regular oatmeal, but can also be eaten raw.
  • The result is gummy food. In addition, its taste has a hint of a nutty taste, which gives it first-class organoleptic properties.
  • From a nutritional point of view, broken oats have the same characteristics as traditional oats. We’ll go through them later, so you know why oats are important to include in your regular diet.

  1. Nutritional quality of broken oats

  • Broken oats produce 375 kilocalories per 100 grams. Its macronutrients are particularly distinguished by low glycemic index carbohydrates, which is why it is considered good quality food.
  • Oats are not high in fat but have more protein than other grains, such as wheat. In any case, it is important to note that this protein has a low biological value.
  • It is also important to mention the fiber contained in oats and in particular its B vitamins and minerals, which include phosphorus, iron, copper, and zinc. All of these are involved in numerous physiological reactions that are crucial to the efficient functioning of the body.

2. Benefits of eating broken oats

Next, we talk about how eating (broken) oats benefits and what science says about it.

3. Reduction of intestinal problems


  • Oats stand out due to their soluble fiber. The soluble fiber can ferment in the gut, which has a beneficial effect on its microbiome.
  • This has positive effects associated with more efficient digestion. The beta-glucan in oats has been shown to promote the diversity of the intestinal bacterial population and also to serve as a substrate for the production of short-chain fatty acids, which are anti-inflammatory.


Better blood fat levels

Oat fiber has a beneficial effect on blood fat levels. Although the effect of diet on cholesterol is only limited, beta-glucans can increase the levels of HDL lipoprotein (good cholesterol) in the blood, reducing the levels of oxidized VLDL, or very low-density lipoproteins. This argument is supported, for example, by a study published in The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.


Oats affect immune function


Oats contain, as already stated, a significant amount of zinc. The ability of this mineral to stimulate immune function has been demonstrated. It enhances the differentiation of the cells that make up the immune system.

How are broken oats made?

  • Making broken oats is very easy. You can make them in the same way as traditional oat flakes. Just heat water or milk in a saucepan and add oats.
  • Stir for about 7 minutes on medium heat until a uniform, rubbery mixture is formed. It can then be served with a variety of toppings, such as berries. The addition of sugar should be avoided so that the nutritional quality of the food is not impaired.
  • On the other hand, broken oats can also be added raw to beverages such as coffee. Everything can also be used in a blender to make the semi-thick liquid more uniform and easier to drink. Such preparation is faster and therefore preferred by many.