How to Feel Beautiful and Confident As a Bigger Woman
Did you recognize the legendary beauty, screen goddess, actress was considered plus size in her time rather than the scale 'S' outfits you'd expect a screen actor to wear, she wore size 12. She lifted weights. Kept her figure by weight lifting.

Definitely not a fragile waif you'd expect a sex goddess to be. jennifer lopez wasn't frightened of what people might think about her curvy bottom. In fact, she flaunted it. She sparked an interest in butt implants. Inspired by her curvy figure, there's a growing trend of ladies who select implants to urge bigger butts, curvier bottoms. You would possibly think that thin is gorgeous.
Perhaps present day society these days places a top class on being skinny.
To the extent that teenage girls and grown women who should know better, are starving themselves to suit into that size S dress. Is it really worth it? It wasn't that way within the past.
The paintings of classical masters show fat women as their muses. Plus size women in those days were considered beautiful. Even in primitive societies, a lady has to have some fat on her body to be considered beautiful. Plump women were considered beautiful as they'd enough fat stores to survive a famine and to hold a pregnancy to term whether or not there have been a famine.

Even in some societies today, women should be fat to be beautiful. To the extent that ladies in Mauritania are force fed to achieve that plus size frame that's considered beautiful. Even within the society that we are aware of, an hour glass figure is taken into account the epitome of beauty.
Women who were heavy on top and heavy below, but with a little waist were considered very attractive. If you're plus size to start with, with a giant bust and round hips, wearing plus size corsets instantly gives you that hourglass look.
I mean, what percentage thin women have gone for breast implants, to urge that hourglass look?
Contrary to popular belief, plus size doesn't mean unhealthy. Athletic women with muscular thighs and powerful bodies might not be able fit into smaller sized clothes. Especially if they're big boned to start with. Yet they're strong, taut and exquisite.

A size 14 could be a plus size, but when a lady is tall and robust, with lovely hair, pretty features and inner beauty, she is gorgeous.
If you're plus size, celebrate your curves. Beauty is kind of that number on the dress label. It's about your poise, confidence.
The way you carry yourself. How well groomed you're. You hair. You features. The way you create the most effective of what you were born with. A glowing skin. A healthy body, regardless of the quantity thereon label.